Ways to Get Involved

Bags of Hope

This program helps the food insecure in Lauderdale Co. We are an agency of the Mid-South Food Bank. Sign up is the first Thursday of every month with volunteers needed with basic computer skills. Pick up is the fourth Tuesday of every month with no specific skills needed. We’re just looking for a willing heart and around 2.5 hours of your time. It’s a combined effort of multiple churches in the area. For more information on how to help, contact Cindy Brabec )731)413-7618, Samantha Culver (731)693-0148, or Melinda Pilcher (731)460-0880.

Eracism Think Tank

This program helps make us aware of racism in our community and discuss ways to eliminate it. For more information, contact Donna Sanders (731)413-9395.

Knit Wits

This group spends Sunday afternoon together knitting prayer shawls and other projects. For more information, contact Charlotte Ammons (731)460-3055.

Local Jail Ministry

This group meets with local female inmates once a week at 1:00 pm on Wednesdays where the gospel and the love of God is shared. For more information, contact
Carol Walker (731)413-7830 or Amy Anthony (865)806-7107.

Lunch With Us

We serve lunch to anyone who comes in to the Activities Building on the last Saturday of every month. It starts at 11:00 am with a worship service and lunch is served at 11:30 am. All are welcomed to come worship, eat and fellowship. To help provide food and or come server, contact Melinda Pilcher (731)460-0880.

Martha’s Cupboard

This group meets the second Tuesday of every month to cook and deliver meals to the shut-ins, people under the weather, or families mourning. They also offer a meal to families following funerals. You can help cook, deliver or both. For more information, contact
Judy Tyree (731)413-9174.

Methodist Men (UMM)

This group meets monthly in the Activities Building on the third Monday night of each month at 5:30 pm. They provide food baskets, organizing toy drives and sponsoring the Boy Scouts. For more information, contact Randy White (731)635-1886.

Methodist Women (UMW)

This group meets quarterly for a pot luck lunch after church. They host two big fundraisers each year, the Harvest Dinner and Saturday Salad. These two events help fund many local, national and international charities. For more information, contact
Louis White (769)204-0574.

Church Office Volunteers

You may call the church office to help assist Nita or Mary for various needs for the church. Bulletin folders are needed on Fridays at 2:00 pm, newsletter folders are needed on the last Tuesday of each month at 9:30 am and sanctuary stewards are needed weekly to help restock envelopes, pencils and water. Fore more information, contact the church office (731)635-8120.